Concepts and Skills in Digital Innovation and the Social and Solidarity Economy

The Department of Geography of the University of the Aegean organizes and implements a 40-hour training programme that provides up-to-date and multidimensional knowledge on the topics of a) Innovation in the Digital Age and b) Social and Solidarity Economy. The teaching material is available in Greek.

The aim of the Training Programme is to support those who want to engage in the Social Economy to find positive opportunities in the labour market after adequate training and strengthening of their knowledge and skills. The training programme aims to promote good practices for stable and quality employment through socially innovative solutions, integrated lifelong learning and the development of their skills and knowledge. The programme is aimed at young people as well as people of all ages and nationalities who:
-Want to enter the labour market
-Want to expand their knowledge
-Want to acquire additional skills

Upon completion of the programme, the participant will be able to:

1. Have some basic digital skills.
2. Know the basic concepts of social and solidarity economy and distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of social and solidarity economy.
3. Create primary texts and audiovisual content.
4. Use appropriate platforms for information on funding and promotion
5. Explore opportunities for joint initiatives and/or the creation of social enterprises that provide services and develop synergies with local economic entities.

Θεματικές Ενότητες

  • Innovation in the Digital Age
  • Social and Solidarity Economy


Ακαδημαϊκός Υπεύθυνος: ATHINA AVAGIANOY

Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνος: GKIALIS STYLIANOS

Κεζέμπογλου Ρωξάνη


